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When Fielded Question

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 9:25 am
by jbowling
When an effect says when fielded and you have multiple dice of that characters such as Quicksilver - Pietro Maximoff, is it the first time a "named" character is fielded or when a character die or dice are put into the field.

For example, say I have two of the Quicksilver dice I field both, his rule reads ' When fielded, Quicksilver deals 1 damage to one opposing character.' Do I do 2 damage, one for each die, or just 1.

Re: When Fielded Question

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:51 pm
by dmrulesteam
When fielded, Quicksilver deals 1 damage to one opposing character.

This effect is self-referential. The Quicksilvers in play do not effect the one being fielded. Each only deals 1 damage.

-The Dice Masters Rules Team