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Trap Travesty OP and Verteron Pulse Trap?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:19 pm
by rbliss
Is the Verteron Pulse Trap allowed in the Trap Travesty OP?

The OP says that no Mine Upgrades are allowed. VPT uses a minefield token, but otherwise does not seem to meet the requirements of a Mine for the purposes of the OP.

Re: Trap Travesty OP and Verteron Pulse Trap?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:43 pm
by stawrulesteam
Mine Upgrades include any Upgrade with "Mine" or "Mines" in the name. So, while Veteron Pulse Trap uses a minefield token, it it not a Mine Upgrade because it does not have "Mine" or "Mines" in the name.