Rip Hunter:TTVP and Constantine: Con Artist

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Rip Hunter:TTVP and Constantine: Con Artist

Postby m1a5ma » Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:48 am

Rip Hunter - through the vanishing point:
When fielded, name a non-Sidekick die (replacing all previous choices). While Rip Hunter is active, when you draw the named die you may place it in your Reserve Pool on any face instead of rolling it.

Constantine - con artist
While Constantine is active, you may name a character before you draw. If you draw and roll that character this turn, you may field it for free.

If I name a die with Rip Hunter, (lets say Batman for this example), then also name Batman with Constantine, When I draw Batman, will I be able to put him on his level 3 side (thanks to rip hunter) and still be able to field him for free from Constantine's ability? Or does the die chosen for Constantine need to actually be rolled?
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Re: Rip Hunter:TTVP and Constantine: Con Artist

Postby dmrulesteam » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:19 am

m1a5ma wrote:Rip Hunter - through the vanishing point:
When fielded, name a non-Sidekick die (replacing all previous choices). While Rip Hunter is active, when you draw the named die you may place it in your Reserve Pool on any face instead of rolling it.

Constantine - con artist
While Constantine is active, you may name a character before you draw. If you draw and roll that character this turn, you may field it for free.

If I name a die with Rip Hunter, (lets say Batman for this example), then also name Batman with Constantine, When I draw Batman, will I be able to put him on his level 3 side (thanks to rip hunter) and still be able to field him for free from Constantine's ability? Or does the die chosen for Constantine need to actually be rolled?

A literal interpretation is correct here - since you aren't rolling the die, you can't field it for free. However, if you have two copies of Batman, you could use Rip on one and Constantine on the other.

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