Scarlet Witch - XMFC

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Scarlet Witch - XMFC

Postby jthomash2 » Thu Oct 26, 2017 5:07 pm

Scarlet Witch: Careful What You Wish For

While Scarlet Witch is active, during your opponent's Roll and Reroll Step, your opponent must reroll any Action Dice that land on an Action face and cannot reroll any Action dice on energy faces.

Is this intended to work like Black Cat: Possessive from the SM:MC Team Pack ("your opponent must choose to reroll...")? Or do I have to keep rerolling Action faces after my second roll infinitely until I get an energy face?

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Re: Scarlet Witch - XMFC

Postby dmrulesteam » Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:16 pm

jthomash2 wrote:Scarlet Witch: Careful What You Wish For

While Scarlet Witch is active, during your opponent's Roll and Reroll Step, your opponent must reroll any Action Dice that land on an Action face and cannot reroll any Action dice on energy faces.

Is this intended to work like Black Cat: Possessive from the SM:MC Team Pack ("your opponent must choose to reroll...")? Or do I have to keep rerolling Action faces after my second roll infinitely until I get an energy face?


Your opponent must choose to reroll such dice. They do not need to roll them indefinitely until they get an energy face.
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