Beholder Lesser Aberration (FUS)

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Beholder Lesser Aberration (FUS)

Postby ujamggp » Wed Feb 17, 2016 12:01 pm

Beholder Lesser Aberration from Faerun Under Siege states that "When Beholder is fielded, you may use up to 2 different Global Abilities for free."

Does "free" refer to ignoring all cost or only energy costs for the global? Several globals have a cost in addition to the energy cost.

For example:

The Blue Eye White Dragon Monstrous Dragon Global which costs a bolt and KO's one of your characters for the benefit of a 2 energy reduction for the next purchase.

Green Goblin Norman Osborn Global costs a bolt and KO's one of your Sidekick characters to deal 2 damage to a target character.

Silver Surfer Silverado Global costs a shield and take 2 damage to draw one die and place it in your prep area.

Would the Beholder ability remove all costs (bolt and KO/shield and damage) or just the energy to trigger the global?
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Re: Beholder Lesser Aberration (FUS)

Postby dmrulesteam » Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:29 pm

ujamggp wrote:Beholder Lesser Aberration from Faerun Under Siege states that "When Beholder is fielded, you may use up to 2 different Global Abilities for free."

Does "free" refer to ignoring all cost or only energy costs for the global? Several globals have a cost in addition to the energy cost.

For example:

The Blue Eye White Dragon Monstrous Dragon Global which costs a bolt and KO's one of your characters for the benefit of a 2 energy reduction for the next purchase.

Green Goblin Norman Osborn Global costs a bolt and KO's one of your Sidekick characters to deal 2 damage to a target character.

Silver Surfer Silverado Global costs a shield and take 2 damage to draw one die and place it in your prep area.

Would the Beholder ability remove all costs (bolt and KO/shield and damage) or just the energy to trigger the global?

All of these examples have "Pay (Energy) and (pay cost)."

Beholder could use these without paying the life or KOing the Sidekick die.

Though not asked, Polymorph is a different case. It has you pay energy, and then do 2 different effects (spinning a die down and spinning a die up). Beholder would let you not pay the energy.

-The Dice Masters Rules Team
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Re: Beholder Lesser Aberration (FUS)

Postby dmrulesteam » Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:40 pm

The prior ruling regarding the Polymorph Global Ability is reversed. Spinning down one of your character dice is part of the cost of the Global Ability.
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