Beholder Lesser Aberration from Faerun Under Siege states that "When Beholder is fielded, you may use up to 2 different Global Abilities for free."
Does "free" refer to ignoring all cost or only energy costs for the global? Several globals have a cost in addition to the energy cost.
For example:
The Blue Eye White Dragon Monstrous Dragon Global which costs a bolt and KO's one of your characters for the benefit of a 2 energy reduction for the next purchase.
Green Goblin Norman Osborn Global costs a bolt and KO's one of your Sidekick characters to deal 2 damage to a target character.
Silver Surfer Silverado Global costs a shield and take 2 damage to draw one die and place it in your prep area.
Would the Beholder ability remove all costs (bolt and KO/shield and damage) or just the energy to trigger the global?