Regarding the 'Rule of Three' found within the updated rule book, if you could please provide a clear definition of what constitutes a replacement and what constitutes a modifier.
For example; the Dominion squadron upgrade 'Flanking Attack' as stated in the card text allows the addition of a number of attack dice to a friendly ships attack equal to the current number of squadron tokens on the ship card. Does this card constitute a modification, and therefore is no longer as powerful as the card text previously made an allowance for, or does this card provide a replacement attack value for the attacking ship and therefore is not subject to the 'Rule of Three'.
There are a considerable number of admiral, captain, crew, weapon and tech cards that modify/replace values. An index of those cards that carry those effects and the category(modification/replacement) they fall under would be greatly appreciated so that card text interpretation is not left up to the player or TO to establish.
The simplest way to know if something is a replacement or a modifier is to ask if the effect in question is setting a value or adding to/subtracting from a value. If a value is being set, it's a replacement, if a value is being added to or subtracted from, it's a modification.
Here are some specific examples of modifiers:
*This ship rolls +1 attack die.
*Add 1 to this ship's Agility Value.
*Increase this ship's Hull Value by 2.
*Increase this Captain's Captain Skill by +3.
Here are some specific examples of replacements:
*This ship's Primary Weapon Value becomes 4.
*Replace this ship's Agility Value with it's printed Agility Value + 4.
*This ship's Hull Value is equal to 5.
*The Attack Value of Weapon Upgrades.
*Increase this ship's Shield Value to 6.
Please note, these are non-exhaustive lists that can be used as general guidelines for determining if something is a replacement or a modifier. If you have a question about whether something ambiguous is specifically a modifier or a replacement, please respond to this thread so we can address it.
For your specific example, Flanking Attack specifically says "add" which means that it is a modifier. If that modifier is in excess of 3, the Rule of 3 will kick in and cause it to become 3. Remember, the excess is not entirely lost because if the same value is later subtracted from, you subtract from the total modifier prior to the Rule of 3 taking effect. For example, if Flanking Attack increases a ship's attack dice by +5 and an opposing effect later decreases that ship's attack dice by -2, the ship still rolls +3 dice because the Rule of 3 only checks for a modifier in excess of + or - 3 after the sum of all modifiers is calculated.