I had a question regarding this card's use and transition.
Rip Hunter : Navigate the Sands of Time
While Rip Hunter is active, once during your clear and draw step, when you draw dice from your bag you may send any number of them to the used pile and draw one new die for each
According to Dice Masters Rules Update 9/22/2014
" Any dice from your Field or Reserve pool are in transit to the Used Pile until the end of your turn. You
may indicate this by placing these dice outside of any zone. Once they are in transit there is no game
effect that may alter them. At the end of your turn all dice in transit are placed in your Used Pile."
1. Do the dice moved by this card not go out of play, since this card is targeting die at the clear and draw step prior to rolling them in the reserve pool?
2. or Must they go into transit due to you being the active player and you are "paying a cost" to draw the extra die?