In this vein, we do understand that Storm’s ability was usually played by rolling 2 opposing Character dice and want to keep that ability and update the card text to be consistent with current usage. Therefore, Storm – Wind Rider will receive the following errata:
When fielded, reroll up to 2 target opposing Character dice. Each die that does not roll a character face goes to your opponent's Used Pile. Storm deals 2 damage to your opponent for each die moved.
For Psylocke, while her ability is similar to Storm, there are two significant differences: (1) she rerolls all active dice from 2 different characters, and (2) she does not affect Sidekick Character dice. This intent was not clearly stated in the ability. Therefore, Psylocke – Advanced Telekenetic Combatant will receive the following errata:
When fielded, reroll the dice from up to 2 opposing non-Sidekick characters. Each die that does not roll a character face goes to your opponent's Used Pile. Psylocke deals 2 damage to your opponent for each die moved.
These changes will eventually be loaded into the Errata section.