Storm Wind Rider & Psylocke Adv Telekenetic Combatant

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Storm Wind Rider & Psylocke Adv Telekenetic Combatant

Postby dmrulesteam » Sat Aug 27, 2022 12:25 pm

The text on Storm – Wind Rider was written in 2013 or earlier, and Psylocke was released years later, in 2022. In retrospect, Storm wasn’t worded as she should’ve been for the tightest rules interpretation. When a game is approaching 10 years of existence, the card text has evolved and much progress and effort has been made to improve ability templating and wording.

In this vein, we do understand that Storm’s ability was usually played by rolling 2 opposing Character dice and want to keep that ability and update the card text to be consistent with current usage. Therefore, Storm – Wind Rider will receive the following errata:

When fielded, reroll up to 2 target opposing Character dice. Each die that does not roll a character face goes to your opponent's Used Pile. Storm deals 2 damage to your opponent for each die moved.

For Psylocke, while her ability is similar to Storm, there are two significant differences: (1) she rerolls all active dice from 2 different characters, and (2) she does not affect Sidekick Character dice. This intent was not clearly stated in the ability. Therefore, Psylocke – Advanced Telekenetic Combatant will receive the following errata:

When fielded, reroll the dice from up to 2 opposing non-Sidekick characters. Each die that does not roll a character face goes to your opponent's Used Pile. Psylocke deals 2 damage to your opponent for each die moved.

These changes will eventually be loaded into the Errata section.
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