Seething Corruption vs Thrown Brick

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Seething Corruption vs Thrown Brick

Postby jourdo2k3 » Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:44 am

A quick question as to how these two cards interact.

Seething Corruption reads: "Until end of turn, when an opposing character die takes damage, KO it."

It appears that this creates a game state where any damage will KO a character.

Now, Thrown Brick reads: "Deal 1 damage to target character die. If that character die is not KO'd, Prep a die from your bag and add this die to your Prep Area (instead of the Used Pile)."

Let's say that Seething Corruption has been used and has set up its game effect. Now a player uses Thrown Brick on a character with more than 1D. What exactly happens next?

A. The Seething Corruption effect is active, and the one damage from Thrown Brick is enough to cause a KO. Therefore, Thrown Brick does not get its Prep effect.

B. Thrown Brick's damage happens, which is not enough to cause the KO on the character. The Prep effect happens, then it looks at the Seething Corruption game effect.

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Re: Seething Corruption vs Thrown Brick

Postby dmrulesteam » Sun Nov 06, 2022 11:32 pm

Option A will happen next.

In your example, the Persistent ability of Seething Corruption is in the queue. For abilities that pertain to a Character die taking damage, Seething Corruption would resolve before those subsequent abilities. Therefore, if a Character die is targeted with Thrown Brick (which deals 1 damage first), the Seething Corruption ability will KO that target die and the conditional portion of Thrown Brick (if die is not KO’d) would not occur – i.e. no die is Prepped.
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