Re; Disruptor Volley(Kelvin Faction pack)

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Re; Disruptor Volley(Kelvin Faction pack)

Postby rcpenn » Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:54 am

The 'Disruptor Volley 5', dual faction Klingon/Mirror weapon upgrade reads:

"Attack: Disable this card and target an opposing ship. Range1-3.

This attack deals no damage. If this attack hits, place an Auxiliary Power Token beside the defending ship. If the defending ship is an Attack Squadron, discard 1 Attack Squadron Token(AST) for each uncancelled 'Hit' or 'Crit'."

How does this weapon upgrade work? Is this Attack simply a means of dealing an 'Auxiliary Power' token to a regular ship and means of dealing multiple levels of damage to an Attack Squadron? Or does this upgrade do more damage to a regular ship beyond the placing of the single Aux Power?

Look forward to your clarification.
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Re: Re; Disruptor Volley(Kelvin Faction pack)

Postby stawrulesteam » Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:37 am

If you attack a non-squadron ship and hit, it places a single Auxiliary Power Token on that ship.

If you attack a squadron ship and hit, it places a single Auxiliary Power Token on that ship AND removes Attack Squadron Tokens from that ship per the card.
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