NOT 063 Batman

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NOT 063 Batman

Postby joepanc » Sat Oct 07, 2023 10:29 pm

Notorious 063 Batman has the following power:

SPECTRAL DEDUCTION Outwit. When Batman uses it, he may instead choose to target all opposing characters occupying any friendly Grave markers. If he does, choose a color instead of a power. The targeted characters can't use standard powers of the chosen color until your next turn.

OUTWIT FREE: Minimum range 4. Choose a target opposing character within range and line of fire and then choose one: any standard power -or- a special power printed on the target’s card. The target can’t use the chosen power until your next turn.

Protected: Outwit
This power or ability and any standard powers granted by it can’t be chosen by Outwit. If a power or ability was previously chosen by Outwit, the duration of that Outwit immediately expires.
Outwit’s “can’t use” doesn’t apply to this keyphrase.

SMBA 043b Spider-Man has this power:

SYMBIOTIC FUSION Super Senses, Impervious. Protected: Outwit.

If Spider-Man occupies a Grave marker friendly to Batman and Batman chooses "Red" when using Outwit, can Spider-Man use Super Senses?
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Re: NOT 063 Batman

Postby hcrulesteam » Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:39 am

joepanc wrote:If Spider-Man occupies a Grave marker friendly to Batman and Batman chooses "Red" when using Outwit, can Spider-Man use Super Senses?

No. Batman is choosing a color and not a standard or special power. The character would not be able to use powers of the chosen color, regardless of Protected: Outwit.
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