BTU 008 Harley Quinn

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BTU 008 Harley Quinn

Postby mattgroenheide » Sat Jul 15, 2023 11:04 pm

Friendly characters with [Batman Enemy team symbol] have [Suicide Squad team symbol].

SUICIDE SQUAD - When an adjacent friendly character is KO’d, after resolutions, you may roll a d6. If you do, heal this character equal to the result -2, minimum 1.

If Harley Quinn is adjacent to characters that she is granting the use of the Suicide Squad team symbol and she is KO'd, would those adjacent characters be able to use the Suicide Squad team ability to heal?
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Re: BTU 008 Harley Quinn

Postby hcrulesteam » Fri Jul 21, 2023 10:49 pm

mattgroenheide wrote:If Harley Quinn is adjacent to characters that she is granting the use of the Suicide Squad team symbol and she is KO'd, would those adjacent characters be able to use the Suicide Squad team ability to heal?

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