Moderator: HeroClix Mods
by hcrulesteam » Wed Jul 20, 2022 12:55 am
Provided below are the rules that must be adhered to when running and attending an official WizKids Heroclix tournament. These rules are subject to change.
Recent Updates:
[01-10-2024] - Added Concession rules
[07-12-2023] - Updated Map rules.
[07-20-2022] - Added minor updates.

- Posts: 511
- Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:26 pm
by hcrulesteam » Wed Jul 20, 2022 1:00 am
- Required Materials: All players are responsible for having the materials required for play. Players are responsible for being aware of any clarifications for any of their game elements. Players are expected to have a general knowledge of game play. Additionally, each player should bring a pen as they will be responsible for filling out their Force Sheet during events (note that it is preferable that players bring a pre-filled Force Sheet to the event). The most up-to-date Force Sheet can be found at the following link - ... 0Sheet.pdf
- Maps: Players are responsible for bringing Modern Age maps for HeroClix Sealed and Constructed Events. Tournaments may have a limited map list that restricts which maps will be allowed to be used in the tournament (typically for official WizKids events). Players must list the maps they will be using on their Force Sheet. A player is required to bring a minimum of one map and can have a maximum of three maps. All Special Rules (Orange text) on maps are allowed for these events unless the map itself has printed that it’s not for tournament play. For official WizKids events, if a map can be played at different sizes (such as 2' X 2' or 2' X 3'), it must be played at the 2' X 2' configuration.
- Judges: Tournament staff may identify one or more individuals as Judges to organize and facilitate each event. The Judges are the final authority on rules for the event that they are responsible for. An event with many judges will have one judge identified as the Head Judge. Players with rules questions may appeal a judge’s ruling to get the Head Judge’s call. A tournament may impose limits on the number of times a player is permitted to do this. A Head Judge's ruling is final and can't be appealed.
- Lateness: Any player who is more than 5 minutes late receives a match loss. Any player who does not show up by the end of the current tournament round will be dropped from the tournament.
- Cheating: Players who intentionally try to gain an unfair advantage over other players at the event may be dealt with at the discretion of the tournament staff. This may include disqualification from an event and a possible ban from future WizKids events.
- Forced Re-rolls: Dice which are cocked more than 15 degrees or roll off the table must be re-rolled. To test if a die is considered cocked or not, place a test die of similar size on the top of the die in question – if the test die remains in place then the die result stands; if the test die falls off then the die is considered cocked and must be re-rolled. When re-rolling dice, all dice used in the roll must be re-rolled.
- Electronic Devices: Players’ cell phones, tablets, PC’s, or other electronic devices are not permitted for use in the play area for the purpose of research of game information. If a player is found to have game information on their electronic device visible during one of their matches, they may be forced to take a match loss or be disqualified from the event. Use of cell phones for phone calls, voice messages, texting, or other means of communication is highly discouraged during the event– players using cell phones for these purposes while in a game match will receive a warning and may be forced to take a match loss or be disqualified from event if they continue use of the device. In the case of an emergency, a judge should be called over to ensure that no penalties will be incurred for the use of an electronic device
- Note Taking: Players are allowed to use non-electronic devices (such as pen and paper or a custom designed tool) to record and keep track of the game state. This typically applies to effects that allow selection of powers/abilities and also to keep track of the current score. Players must be able to record this information in a timely manner, otherwise they risk a penalty for delaying the game.
- Spectators: For the purposes of WizKids events, anyone who is not a part of the tournament staff or is not currently playing a tournament match is considered a spectator. Spectators are expected to not comment or ask questions on tournament games in progress. Spectators doing so may be asked to leave the game area. At the tournament staff’s discretion, players seeking or receiving game advice from spectators (even unsolicited) may be given a warning, match loss, or be disqualified.
- Custom/Modified Game Element Sculpts: Players may not use custom or modified sculpts for their game elements. All game element sculpts must be their original sculpts and must be the correct sculpt for their combat dial. Players may use custom action tokens, custom standard terrain markers, and custom items for generated game elements (markers, bystanders, etc.). The tournament staff may, at their discretion, forbid custom action tokens or items that are potentially offensive or excessively confusing.
- Custom Painted Game Element Sculpts: Players may custom paint their game element sculpts and use them in tournaments without needing an opponent’s approval. This includes the painting of pre-painted sculpts and unpainted sculpts. The tournament staff may, at their discretion, forbid custom paints that are potentially offensive or excessively confusing.
- Game Element Cards: Players are required to bring and use the original cards for all of their game elements. Proxy cards will not be allowed. If a card becomes damaged beyond use or is missing (when playing in a sealed event), at the discretion of the judge and the tournament staff, a replacement card may be used (if available) or the player may use a printed version of the card provided by the tournament staff.
- Action Total: 1 action per every 100 points of the build total.
- Victory Conditions: A game has three ways to determine the victor.
- When one player is defeated before the time limit is reached. Typically this is by having their entire force KO’d, but can also happen if an alternate win/loss condition is met.
- The time limit is reached. If the time limit is reached, the player with the most victory points at the end of that game wins.
- When, during the game before the time limit is reached, a player’s victory point total is equal to or more than the build total value plus 100 after the most recent effect resolves (for example, if the build total is 300, the game would end as soon as a player scores 400 or more points).
- Scoring & Point Cap: Win/Loss and victory points are recorded on a player’s Force Sheet. A player’s maximum recorded point total can be no more than the build total (typically 300). Note that a player can score more than the build total during a game and that score will be used (if needed) to determine the winner, but the maximum total that can be recorded is the build total value.
- Alternate Victory Condition Scoring: If a player wins a game due to an alternate victory condition (such as achieving a MISSION POINT victory or an effect triggering that causes a player to automatically win/lose the game), the winning player scores all remaining game elements on their opponent’s force as if they were KO’d.
- Byes: A bye is issued when there are an odd number of players in a Swiss event. A bye is considered a win. First round byes are assigned randomly. In subsequent rounds, the bye is given to the lowest ranked player who has not already received a bye. The Bye player receives a Win for the round with a score of half of the build total points (typically 150 points).
- Conceding: At any point during a game (including before the game begins) a player may concede the game to their opponent. When a player concedes, that player has that game recorded as a loss with 0 victory points, regardless of if they scored any points during the game. Their opponent has the game recorded as a win with victory points equal to the build total (typically 300), regardless of the point value of the conceding player's team.
- Ties: During the Swiss rounds of an event, if a game ends with both players scoring 0 points, both players will receive a game loss. Otherwise, if players have a tied victory point total, the winner will be determined by a roll-off of two d6, with the winner being the player that has the higher result (rerolling ties). During the single-elimination portion of an event, for any ties (including 0 point ties), the winner will be determined by a roll-off.
- Character Cards with Visible Dials: A player may ask to view another player’s card at any time. Players should not spend an excessive amount of time reviewing character cards.
- Conflicting Information: Any conflicting information on any official event correspondence takes precedence over any information present in this general use document.
- Tournament Integrity: WizKids reserves the right to issue rulings during a tournament to preserve the integrity of that tournament. At the discretion of WizKids, actions may be taken to correct rules "loopholes" or exploits deemed disruptive to the tournament and the general spirit of the game. In extreme examples, this may include disallowing force builds and/or disqualification of a player. As a reminder, Wizkids also reserves the right to disqualify players that do not follow rulings or directions given to them by a tournament official.

- Posts: 511
- Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:26 pm
by hcrulesteam » Wed Jul 20, 2022 1:02 am
- Format: Sealed — Each player will receive two sealed HeroClix booster packs for sealed play.
- Legal Game Elements: Only game elements that are pulled from the booster packs received at the event may be used on a player’s force. No outside game elements are allowed to be added to a player’s force, except standard terrain/objects.
- Sealed Packs: At the start of a HeroClix sealed event, players will receive two sealed HeroClix booster packs. When instructed by the tournament staff, all players will open their packs and confirm the contents. A player may request a replacement pack if one or more figures in the pack is in an unplayable state. This includes but is not limited to: dial/dial sticker missing; dial sticker does not match the figure (this can be confirmed by comparing the collector number on the top of dial and the collector number printed on the dial sticker). If a figure’s sculpt is physically broken (i.e. missing a head/arm etc. or missing the sculpt entirely) it is still considered in a playable state. A figure being considered in a “playable state” is at the discretion of the tournament staff. A player must return all contents of the pack to receive a replacement pack. Replacement packs are only available as supplies last.
- Team Building: Once all players have opened their packs and confirmed their contents, they will have a number of minutes (typically 15) to build a force of a pre-determined point value (typically 300 points for most tournaments). If using standard terrain/objects, players must follow the normal rules for including them on your force.

- Posts: 511
- Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:26 pm
by hcrulesteam » Wed Jul 20, 2022 1:03 am
- Format: Constructed.
- Legal Game Elements: Unless specified otherwise, only Modern Age legal game elements are allowed for constructed events. Please review the WizKids rules forum for the most up-to-date list of Modern Age legal game elements.
- Team Building: All players are to come to the event with a Constructed HeroClix team using only game elements from Modern Age sets.

- Posts: 511
- Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:26 pm
by hcrulesteam » Wed Jul 20, 2022 1:04 am
- Format: Sealed Draft — Each player will receive one HeroClix booster pack for sealed draft play.
- Maps: Maps for Battle Royales will typically be provided by the tournament staff. The map size for Battle Royale events is 2’ x 2’.
- Legal Game Elements: Only game elements that are pulled from the booster packs received at the event may be used on a player’s force. No outside game elements are allowed to be added to a player’s force, except standard terrain/objects.
- Sealed Packs: At the start of a HeroClix Battle Royale event, players will receive one sealed HeroClix booster pack. When instructed by the tournament staff, all players will open their packs and confirm the contents. A player may request a replacement pack if one or more figures in the pack is in an unplayable state. This includes but is not limited to: dial/dial sticker missing; dial sticker does not match the figure (this can be confirmed by comparing the collector number on the top of dial and the collector number printed on the dial sticker). If a figure’s sculpt is physically broken (i.e. missing a head/arm etc. or missing the sculpt entirely) it is still considered in a playable state. A figure being considered in a “playable state” is at the discretion of the tournament staff. A player must return all contents of the pack to receive a replacement pack. Replacement packs are only available as supplies last.
- Team Building: Once all players have opened their packs and confirmed their contents, each player chooses one game element from their pack (and associated cards/etc.) and then passes the remaining contents to the player on their right. Each player then chooses one item from the remaining game elements in the pack they receive and pass the remaining contents to the player on their right. This continues until all game elements have been drafted from the packs. A player may also include up to two (2) standard terrain/objects on their force. Normally, players play their figures using their highest point cost. Depending on the Heroclix set used for the event, this rule may be altered. The tournament staff will advise of any exceptions to the point cost allowed for one or more game elements.
- Action Total: 3 actions per player’s turn.
- Victory Conditions: When one player remains or the time limit is reached. If the time limit is reached, the player with the most victory points wins.
- Scoring: Victory points are calculated for each player to determine draft order for the prize pool.
- Prizing: At the end of the game, players determine standings based on the number of points KO’d from other players. Players will then place all game elements from their booster packs/team into the center of the map to form a prize pool (additional prizes may be added to the prize pool at the discretion of the event staff). Players will then conduct a snake draft until all game elements have been chosen (first choices starting with winner to the last place player then reversing order after each player has chosen one element—first to last; last to first; first to last).
- Dropping from Event: If a player drops from the event before the event is completed, the contents of their sealed booster and/or team are to remain with the event and are used as part of the final prize pool.

- Posts: 511
- Joined: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:26 pm
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