#014 Hand Ninja
E]This character has a damage value of 2 on its second click. This character does not have Stealth on its last click.
#015 Hand Ninja
E]This character has a damage value of 2 on its third click. This character does not have Stealth on its last click.
#020 S.W.A.T. Specialist
E]This character has Range Combat Expert on its second click.
#072 Vulture
E]This character has Charge on its first click.
#078 Hobgoblin
E]This character has an attack value of 7 on its final click.
#079 Sabretooth
E]This character has a point value of 38.
#089 Annihilus
E]This character has a point value of 103.
#092 Captain America
E]This character has a point value of 47.
#119 Wasp
E]This character has a range of 4 and