AFFE 052 Wolverine

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AFFE 052 Wolverine

Postby therockyracoon » Mon Jan 17, 2022 1:10 am

SILENTLY STALKING: Wolverine can’t be targeted until he has made an attack this game or is adjacent to his Mark.

PROBABILITY CONTROL Once per turn, you may reroll a target character’s attack roll or break away roll. A targeted character must be within range and line of fire, minimum range 6.

When Wolverine makes the first attack this game, can he be targeted during that attack with an effect such as Probability Control?
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Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2022 1:05 am

Re: AFFE 052 Wolverine

Postby hcrulesteam » Fri Jan 21, 2022 6:54 pm

therockyracoon wrote:When Wolverine makes the first attack this game, can he be targeted during that attack with an effect such as Probability Control?

No. Wolverine can't be targeted by an effect until he has fully resolved an attack (or is adjacent to his Mark).
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